Master Jungho Park’s love for Martial Arts and personal mission to help youth learn self-defense and bully-prevention skills began as a young boy in South Korea. At the age of six, he experienced firsthand what it was like to be bullied, from where older boys in the community were bullying him, so his father enrolled him in Martial Arts classes so that he could get stronger and learn to defend himself. 

After one short year, he reached a level of excellence where no one could bully him, and he began to use his skills to protect others, which is a principle he teaches his students today. Over the years, he continued...
to train, progressing to Black Belt status and winning multiple awards along the way both internationally and in the U.S. Eventually he opened his first school. 

Prior to opening his current school, Tiger Sun Martial Arts Frisco, Master Park followed the path of many Martial Arts school owners and focused just on technique, until one day, he realized that one of the students he trained had developed exceptional Martial Arts technique, but was making several bad choices as a human. 

This pivotal moment in his career caused him to change the way he taught, and transform his business model from one that focused just on the business of Martial Arts to an educational model with academic standards and a reward system for technique and personal growth. 

This revelation was the inspiration behind the development of his world class curriculum, which is popular with both parents and educators alike, because it focuses not just on technique, but also mindset so that his students can reach their highest potential. No matter what belt level his students have attained, they are taught leadership and success principles and challenged to maintain a Black Belt Excellence attitude. His training and curriculum has been credited with helping students improve grades and athletic performance, dramatically increasing self-esteem, helping with anger and emotional issues and increasing overall confidence.

“If you teach a child to punch and kick, but not teach them how to understand their strength or control and manage their inner desires, then you don’t have success” -- Master Park.

Prior to opening his Frisco location, he owned and operated the largest Martial Arts school in Madison, MS with 450+ students and 2 locations. Master Park teaches Korean Mixed Martial Arts, an unique blend of Taekwondo, Hapkido and Gumda.  

About Master Park

-Studied at Chichester University in England
-Taught in England, Korea & the U.S. 
-Presidential Sports Award, USA
-Legislative Citation in West Virginia
-Achievement Award - Ministry of National Defense Korea
-Mayor Mary Appreciation Award,  Madison, MS
-Featured in World TaeKwonDo Times 

Students Trained 


Years of Experience


My family decided to give Tiger Sun Martial Arts a try for the summer for our 13 year old daughter. We are thoroughly pleased with the program.
We walked in expecting good conditioning and training, but we were delighted to learn of the self-discipline that is required of students at home to earn "stripes" through reading time, self care, school work, family, etc.
It's all about developing CONFIDENCE at Tiger Sun!
Reese G.
Excellent experience for introducing Martial Arts. Master Park and Team recognize each student by name and work hard to maximize the potential of each student. Children (10 & 8) love going to Karate twice per week and practicing The Student Creed. Children enjoy learning Greetings and counting in Korean.
Highly recommended ... HoyangMooYe!
Robert B.
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